

A Spatial map developed by Uganda Bureau of Statistics indicates that 11 million people live without access to clean water, thus, a glass of water to drink means miles to walk.

PAMOJA is a catalyst working behind the scenes to increase Uganda’s responses to safe water challenges.
We have worked extensively with various partners and implementing non-governmental organizations to accelerate progress on solvable challenges like access to clean water.
We place particular emphasis on advocacy for water, innovative communication about the urgency and the capacity to resolve clean water related challenges.
We design our efforts both to help address gaps in access to clean water and to prevent water imbalances from causing or magnifying water related diseases.

Our ambition is to quietly complement, not compete with, ongoing activities by other entities. We encourage public and private stakeholders to prioritize water security as never before, and to increase the amount and effectiveness of human, financial and technical resources invested in access to safe water.